THIS IS SO RANDOM! XD (unlike this sentence)
This made me laugh so many times I cant even count.... no seriously I've lost the ability to count PLEASE HELP ME!!
Thank you! 8D
THIS IS SO RANDOM! XD (unlike this sentence)
This made me laugh so many times I cant even count.... no seriously I've lost the ability to count PLEASE HELP ME!!
Thank you! 8D
This is so old, now I finally discover what it is!
He's an IDIOT! 8D Now I get it... I laughed when he opened the door and the "The End" showed up xD
aHAH! I found the loadingbar before it was full x)
Such grotesque style but at the same time very clear! The mix with paper and animation was really good and togheter with the fitting music made everything be more scarier and enhancing. One could understand everything... (well except why the evil Dr was... an evil Dr... but who cares, he's dead now). At first I wasnt sure if I should watch it... but it was not that kind of thing the gives you nightmares, its just creepy and beautifull ^^
I really liked the sign "Safety" which they went by when he took em to his laboritory xD
When the "malebrain" discovered the "femalbrain" and started moving that little necktailpart I got an uncanny feeling in my neck xP Nice!
aaaaaaaw and they reunited in heaven ^^
Maybe one of my favourite videos here. Thanks!
thanks alot :D i flash doesn't need to be scary to be creepy and un settling i think and that neck fine i completely udnerstand haha when i was drawing it part with the glass it made my head hurt haha
Say what now? ._.
I cant really understand the begining xD but hey, at least you made fun of the uncool creepy guys that likes MLP!
Aaaaaand end with the le StarWars-joke x)
Nice! Sandshrew allways were my favourite c:
I admire artists that know their way around MS Paint! ;)
Thanks! I actually used Macromedia Flash 8 and a few other softwares for sound editing and file conversions. I must have forgotten to mention that in the credits, oh well haha
Now they have to rescue her... for real! D:
Nice story ^^The Cyclop's a bit to stupid thou. ._.
My favourite part was the carrage for the Cyclop and "his" princess. YOU have been watching MLP! ^^ I saw Derpy Hooves as one of the "horses" C:
Spookctacels ^^
Didnt anticipate a sequel to this C:
Have you seen this poster?? xD I allways enjoy the small details (someone had already commented on the"Screw everything!")
Piepiepiepiepiepieeee.... PIE!!!
Except all the funny jokes like: Dozens are injured. BUT, ITS RAINING PIE! XD And wtf gladiator sword?? - I got stuck wathing this a second time when I realized the clock in the background worked perfectly! Loving that detail!
Anyone else come of thinking of Johnny Depp when seeing Ark? ^^
The Memories... :3 (I dont remember where.... o_o)
Why didnt I discover this untill now!? x-x So awesome with the music and all!
To Th1at3en:
I love you for making me remember ^^ I missed "Jezzball" (google it!) but maybe thats to new :3
Also, I recognized everything except the pixly guys with a basketball. Thanks to this I must ask a few questions:
The "floating eyes" and the spaceshuttle, who you tries to land safely on the planetsurface; Which games are these? What are there names? I recall playing them so baaaad X-X Very thankfull for answer <3
To Delitescent:
Where have I've seen this before?? O_O A game? A cartoon too?
Btw I was sure the selfconfident red guy would win x)
To Pako:
I love that song! ^^ But tell me, I recognize those floating blobthings from "I wanne be the guy"... but that game is a tribute to all of the original games... So what is the original game called with these scary but cute blobthings?
And to Tommylm:
Tenacious D ROCKS!! :D (Allways liked Jack Black ^^)
I know it's a long time since you guys did this thing but please if anyone can hear this I beg you to reply and try to answer my questions. <3 <3
Thanks and have a good one! :D
Is there a second part? :O:O:O:O
I really like the music... it fits perfect with a spacey film :)
and I want to se more of both Quintin and more of the funny computer-retard-eye-thing ^^
Joined on 5/6/09