aHAH! I found the loadingbar before it was full x)
Such grotesque style but at the same time very clear! The mix with paper and animation was really good and togheter with the fitting music made everything be more scarier and enhancing. One could understand everything... (well except why the evil Dr was... an evil Dr... but who cares, he's dead now). At first I wasnt sure if I should watch it... but it was not that kind of thing the gives you nightmares, its just creepy and beautifull ^^
I really liked the sign "Safety" which they went by when he took em to his laboritory xD
When the "malebrain" discovered the "femalbrain" and started moving that little necktailpart I got an uncanny feeling in my neck xP Nice!
aaaaaaaw and they reunited in heaven ^^
Maybe one of my favourite videos here. Thanks!